

About us


Commenced the business in 2009, Rungsiam Herbs is small-medium enterpreneur focusing on great qualification of natural herbs and holistic treatment. We apply Chinese internal balance concept and Thai intellectual knowledge of herbs to invent and develop some botanical products for beauty treatment and good health. All herbs and ingredients are carefully selected and blended appropriately to create the unique health care and wound care products under the trademark Jern Pao / Howo / Anicine and Ha Dok Bua to offer you another choice to make your life different….


All products have been registered with Thai FDA to ensure the formula and effectiveness. With our steadfast intention, we will endeavor to improve and develop our products constantly to be one of the outstanding herbal companies in Thailand.


Now we are seeking for the partnership in other countries to make a long-term business relationship and reach the mutual satisfaction.  Let’s share the experience and discover the borderless integration together…




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